This is a topic of constant discussion at the Ward house. It's something we want our girls to have a full understanding about. Something we want them to desire and to live. We want them to know the meaning, and LIVE it. It's frustrating when they don't live by thankfulness.
This morning Alyssa and I had a long discussion about being grateful for what she has, and being thankful for all the Lord has blessed her with...and not always wanting more. Let me just say, our girls don't really ever ask for much. It's a snack at the checkout counter, or just stuff. Things. Nothing major, but the principal is, there is so much more in life than "things."
This morning Alyssa took her things out of her backpack and put them in a crossover bag. She came out and I told her that she needed to put everything back in her backpack because her folders all folded up in a small crossover bag clearly was not going to work. I told her that I had tried to get her to get a crossover bag for school this year and that maybe I would look for her one if I could find one on clearance or something. Her reply, "Well, I know you won't get it." To which I replied, "Well your right, I won't get it now!" First of all, I should have never even said I would look for her a new bag. She HAS a new bag. She doesn't NEED a new bag. Her's is perfectly fine and that was a mistake on my part.
Weak moment by mom. She got upset and began to cry. So, this is where our heart to heart began....:)
I want my children to understand the goodness of the Lord. I want them to love Him more than any "thing" in this world. I want them to know that they are
Blessed! I want them to grasp that their JOY comes from the Lord. I want them to see that God has given them each and every thing they have. But, if we are not thankful for what we have, God will take it away. But, in this world, we are left
always wanting more.
Alyssa recently got a new hand sanitizer. She was very excited! that day....and maybe the next:) But, her excitement has worn off. She still uses her sanitizer (thank goodness), but she is not as thrilled with it as she was last week. In fact, she wanted a new one last night at Wal-Mart.
Yesterday Alyssa came in from school and grabbed a starburst. She ate it. It satisfied her...for a second, but left her wanting more.
This morning I said, "Alyssa your JOY and your happiness is not in the things of this world." I explained what exactly the things of this world are and she listened quietly. I told her, "the things of this world do not last. They bring Joy for a moment. They are for a time period but your true joy and hope can only be found in the one thing that is everlasting. Jesus."
"It's just like your hand sanitizer, you loved it the day you got it. YOu were so excited. You were thankful. But now the excitement has worn off. YOu still use it but it's not near as exciting as it was." She agreed! I told her, "Yesterday you ate a starburst after school. It was good. You liked it. You were satisfied....for a second, but then you wanted more. It left you wanting another one...and another...and another. But, Jesus is the only thing that can truly satisfy you. He does not leave us feeling empty...or wanting more. Jesus is enough, and if we truly love Him, none of the other things matter."
This hit me like a ton of bricks as the words are so confidently rolling off my tongue to my 6 year old daughter. I needed that reminder just as much as she did. My absolute joy comes from Jesus. Not from Matt loving me, or my daughters obeying. Not from friends or family. Not from getting something I really want or enjoy. Nothing in this world will EVER satisfy my longing soul but the one person who gave it ALL away so I could have life. I want to be complete in Him.
My prayer for our girls and for our family is that the Lord will be our desire. He will be our source of Hope, strength, comfort, peace, love, and joy! And that we will live a life of thanksgiving.
There is always just enough flour and olive oil left in the containers, just as the Lord has promised.
1 kings 17:16