Thursday, November 12, 2009

quick update...

Ok so once again I am lacking in the blog world! Bella Grace has done so much and I have yet to inform everyone!! She is now walking. I mean walking all over the place. She has been taking steps for a while, but now she no longer crawls. ANYWHERE. Not that this has really changed anything on my part, because she got anywhere she wanted to go by crawling. Now she just walks. Its real cute. She falls a lot, but she gets right back up and keeps on going. She's a fighter. I can't help but think that's what Christ wants us to be like. When we get knocked down, get right back up and continue for His Glory. It amazes me the amount of life lessons that the Lord teaches me in the small things that my girls do!

Today Alyssa told me that she loved me soooooo much and I was the best mommy in the whole wide world. She continued with saying she had a great little sister and a wonderful daddy and the best family she could ask for! WOW. That did me in for the day. I was so proud of her at that moment. So proud to be her mommy. So proud that she gets it. Not always. But today!

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