Friday, February 5, 2010

This was the converstaion I just had with Alyssa.

Alyssa: "Hello Mam!"
Me: "Well Hi!"
Alyssa: "I'm going on a hike this weekend with my husband."
Me: "Really?" (Trying not to laugh)
Alyssa: "Yeah." "Should be lots of fun!"
Me: "Where you heading?"
Alyssa: "Just to Bob and Sue's." "Well we better get a move on it cause we don't want to be later, afterall!"
Alyssa: "Wait!!" "Where's the way to Africa, cause that's where Bob and Sue live?"

Wow my child has grown way too fast!!

This is what she has on for her hike!


The Jordon Family said...

Ok, I'm cracking up.. she is too cute. I love their big imaginations! I'm lovin the glasses too

Angela said...

Sarah, do you actually know people by those names or did she totally make that up too? Hilarious.

Sarah Ward said...

Ang those are Matt's parents! She is a mess!